Getting In Is Only Half The Battle

Archive for September, 2009

A new book came out today…

Admission is written by Jean Hanff Korelitz, who was an admissions officer at Princeton a few years ago.

A review can be found here.

Sounds pretty interesting…

Do I really have to answer this one?

Several articles on this can be found here,here, and here.

Bottom line, this should be a no-brainer. A college admissions official isn’t your friend and it seems that giving them access to the kinds of information you put on facebook can only serve to hurt you. You may want to be using it to gain a ‘competitive edge’ with the admissions office, but do you really have the discipline not to put something that could even potentially hurt you on your FB page?

And while you’re at it, restrict your posts et. al to just your friends. How many stories have we read about people losing jobs offers or having college entrance rescinded because of something on facebook?

Reader’s Digest (.com) published an article today called 5 Tips For College Entrance.

Give it a read and see how many are surprises.

Do kids who were spanked growing up have lower IQs?

Time magazine has an article on just that.

I was spanked growing up and I don’t think it affected me at al…..oh, something shiny.

Did you know that your college entrance essay can be too good?

Well me either, but I saw this article on awhile back and wanted to share it once I got the site up and running.

The Motley Fool financial website has put together yet another primer about all the stuff parents should know about saving money for college.

Man, this stuff is depressing.

Fastweb Scholarship Database

Posted by administrator under Scholarships

Fastweb has an extensive database of scholarships.

Why reinvent the wheel, hunh?

CNN has published a series about saving money for college.

The college savings section can be found here.

The whole series can be found here.

Hi, and thanks for vising SMTC (for short).

We’re just getting started here so it’ll be a few weeks until I get everything up and running.

I’ll be doing my best to find and post information pertaining to scholarships, saving strategies, great deals from universities or anything else I can find that might be able to help us all pay for college.

If you find anything you think should be added to the site then please send an email to and I’ll see about putting it up.

I don’t think we can make college free, but maybe we can get enough information out there to take some of the sting out of it.

Check back soon.

Confessions Of A Homeschooler

Posted by administrator under Child Development posted an article today extolling the virtues of homeschooling.

FTA: Call us crackpots, but our kids spend their days at beaches and museums, not in school

This is the first in a series, but I won’t be posting separate links for each.

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